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- Your Unique Gifts 🎁
Your Unique Gifts 🎁
The owned newsletter #6
Welcome back or welcome to The Owned Newsletter.You know what gets me excited?

Your ability to manifest any outcome you desire in your life.
You are literally the Picasso of your own life.The only caveat is that you must be conscious to create.
Meaning you have to awaken to the fact that all the things that happen to you (good and bad) are a product of your own creation.This can be a hard pill to swallow, but that’s what this newsletter is for.Dive into this week’s content to slowly and gradually take ownership over all of the areas of your life, so you can create more of what you want and less of what you don't want.
Question of the Week 🤔
"What are you good at?"

Most people are bad at most things (myself included.)The key to getting traction in life is not focusing on what you are bad at.Instead, focus almost exclusively on investing into what you are uniquely good at.
You may not be the best in the world right now, but with enough consistent focus and action the possibilities are limitless.This may sound obvious to some of you, but most people are so tied up in what they aren’t good at that they forget how uniquely talented they are in a specific area.I’m curious what it is for you. Feel free to reply to this email and let me know!
Your Unique Gift 🎁
Speaking of being good at something; this has a name.
It’s called your unique gift(s)The way I view it is that we all have these unique gifts and our mission on planet earth is to get out of our own way so we can share these gifts.My unique gift is definitely my ability to coach people in a way that facilitates them awakening to their full potential.I do this in many ways, but they all come back to tapping into my unique gift.Whether I am coaching the people who work for me, leading a workout, coaching my 1 on 1 clients, guiding a meditation or writing this newsletter; I am tapping into my gift to deliver a meaningful experience for those interacting with me.Your inner critic might tell you.. "Well I like doing this and I am really good at it, but so many people do it already; what’s the point?"
The point is that no one can do it like you, because there is only one of you.Which is why it’s YOUR unique gift.There is no one to compare yourself to. Just do you!
Best Breakfast = No Breakfast
Traditional wisdom in the western world would have you believe that you need to be eating breakfast everyday if you want to be healthy.That is in no way scientifically true.The most important thing is that you are balancing your overall food intake.
One great way to eat less overall is by skipping breakfast.

I do so by replacing my breakfast with coffee and branch chain amino acids to blunt my hunger and fuel my muscles along with my central nervous system.That way I have more budgeted calories for later in the day.
Your Most Important Relationship
..is with yourself
If you want to attract an amazing loving relationship with a partner you have to first ask yourself
what’s my relationship like with myself?

The more you can improve your own well-being the more you open yourself up to meeting and getting into relationship with people who have done the same.Become the type of partner you wish you had and they will be drawn towards you.👉 If you want to date someone fit; then you should be fit.👉 If you want to date someone who is kind; then you should be kind.👉 If you want to date someone who is following their dreams; then you should be following your dreams.
Ultimately, you attract who you are; not who you want to be.
There is NO Formula for Business Success 🔝
Despite what you may hear from online marketing gurus there is not a formula that you can use to grow your business that works the same every time.Don’t get me wrong there are definitely effective tactics and strategies, but there are by no means one size fits all formulas for success.This may be a little disappointing, but at the same time I hope it’s also very liberating as well.
Because there is no exact formula; you have the opportunity to create your own formula for success.
The main element of your own formula will simply be whether you could see yourself being consistent with the strategy and tactics that you choose.The more consistent you are; the better your odds are at success.So instead of looking for the next best short-cut to success; ask yourself what actions would you be willing to be consistent with for the next 10 years?
The Fastest Growing Tech in Modern History

Did you know that the internet was the fastest growing technology in modern history.. until Bitcoin came around!Now I am not a crypto head and by no means an expert, but I do have some common sense. Common sense tells me that it’s good to find a way to get invested in the fastest growing technology of all-time.₿ Right now that technology is Crypto (mainly bitcoin and ethereum.)Now you don’t have to go all the way down the crypto currency rabbit hole, but I believe it is a good idea to get educated.If you are looking to get in on the crypto gold rush here are some great articles to get you started by one of the smartest people I know.
Want to dive deeper on any of these topics?Hit reply and let me know!Have a blessed week fam.Brandon#TheOwned