Your REAL Enemy

The Owned Newsletter #53

Whatup fam,

I know that you know that I know that we have untapped potential.

Untapped potential to experience more joy, to give our gifts in a more meaningful way and blah blah blah you get it.

We have a tremendous amount of dormant power inside of us that we don’t express in the world.

So the what the fuck happened to us?

As infants we were pure expression. We let life flow through us effortlessly and we had no filter on being our truest selves.

In this week’s owned newsletter I am going to expose the enemy that each of us is going to war with everyday.

Hopefully by bringing greater awareness to it we can begin to transcend it.

Question of the week 🤔

“Are you getting lost in the details?”

Before I expose the enemy I want you to contemplate this.

You will not get it right the first time. Whatever it is for you.

Whatever it is you want you need to realize that the first time you try to get it you are going to get messy. It’s not going to look or feel exactly as you want it to and you will have to just get reps in to fine tune it.

👉 This goes for a skill you are learning, a service you are offering, a relationship you are embarking on, a physical transformation you want to make and everything in between.

Resist the urge to need to go to deep into the details without getting sufficient repetitions in.

This is analogous to when I used to be in a junior orchestra as a teen.

The first time we played a new piece of music we always messed it up pretty bad, but the conductor would force us to grind our way through it to get to the other side.

If we were to stop playing and focus on each small mistake along the way we would never get a feel for how the music was supposed to be played.

It’s only after we started to find the rhythm and tempo and played the music through a few times that we could start to zone in on the details which were holding us back from mastering the music.

Life is a lot like that.

Just start doing shit to the best of your ability and as time goes by fine tune the details. Less thinking. More experimenting.

Meditation for When You Feel Lost 🧘‍♂️

This guided meditation designed to help you remember who TF you really are. Everyone feels lost sometimes, so don’t judge yourself. Instead listen to this meditation experience and let it guide you back to your power and purpose.

Listen on YouTube

*Check the new releases section in the app

The REAL Enemy

Okay are you ready for me to put the enemy on blast?

Here it is..

The real enemy is the hard code written in our subconscious minds. 🧠

If you are an avid follower of this newsletter keep reading, because I’ll go deeper on this then ever before..

This code has been written in the subconscious of those who we grew up around (our family, friends, community and all the media we consume.)

👉 Our present day behavior and outcomes are nothing more than a byproduct of that hard code that we were wired with.

If you’re anything like me that should piss you off!

Some people have been wired for success, whereas others have been wired for an existence of resistance and suffering. 👈

This hard code that we are working against is a byproduct of a hierarchal system that has been in place for hundreds if not thousands of generations.

It is no accident that some people believe they are worthy of billions of dollars whereas others believe they are worthy of minimum wage.

Your beliefs lead to your behavior and your behavior decides your destiny.

So yes the real enemy lives within us, BUT we did not choose to allow this enemy in.

It was put into the people we grew up around and they didn’t have the awareness or skills to transcend it before we were born, so it was passed on to us.

Poor us right?

Wrong. 🚫

That’s the victim mindset that many people take, but I know that’s not how people like us view it.

We embrace this as an opportunity to do the most sacred work of our lives.

We are here to transcend this disempowering programming, so we can live in our power, have the ultimate experience in this life and pass this software upgrade on to our children and community.

The biggest F U we can give to a society that programmed you to fail is by going within and doing the work necessary to heal.

The owned community is about to take a major step forward together in empowering one another to do this sacred work of transmuting this old programming so our weakness becomes our strength.

If you want to be an ally on this journey reply to this email and I’ll share how you can get involved.

Lots of love,



P.S. We are NOW in a recession. This can be the time where you build wealth that redefines your life or it can be a time where you spiral down like never before. Both paths lie ahead for you. Your inner programming will determine what path you end up taking.