What’s worth fighting for?

The Owned Newsletter #54

Whatup fam,

With talks of world war 3 circulating I think it’s a good time to discuss what we are collectively willing to fight for.

We will dig deep into our values and priorities to get ourselves to a place of clarity by the end of this newsletter.

Don’t worry I’ll do most of the heavy lifting. You just keep reading 😉

As always, if you enjoy this newsletter please do send it off to the first person that comes to your mind as you read this.

Let us own our focus and choices through identifying what is worth fighting for.

Question of the week 🤔

“What’s worth fighting for?”

Your country?

Your political party?

Your local community?

Your religion?

Your family?


In times of uncertainty we need clarity. 👈

Clarity about where we take our stand and where we stay on the sidelines.

Personally, I’ve experienced that the more I have deprogrammed from fear producing beliefs; the more clarity I’ve gained over what is worth fighting for and what isn’t?

For example, I used to be willing to fight for a political party.

📍 Growing up in Eugene, Oregon (a VERY liberal city) from ages 12-18 I was programmed to believe that side democrat equaled good and just; and side republican equaled bad and evil. This dogma was passed down from local government, to our teachers in school, to my peers and even my own family.

During this time of my life I was vehemently willing to fight for a political party, because I was programmed to do so from the inside (subconscious.)

After going through what is now the owned training and reprogramming myself I withdrew from the political game after learning that republican or democrat it truly is two sides to the same coin.

Without having a team to fight for anymore I was able to connect back to something much more primal and real.

My own physical being and needs, which expand out through my family and close friends AKA my tribe.

If someone comes to my house or confronts me in real life and tries to take what I have built I will not hesitate to engage in conflict.

Otherwise, I am opting out of fighting.

👉 What are you willing to fight for?

👉 Who do you believe truly has your best interest in heart?

Clarity is power. 💥 At some point you have to draw your line in the sand.

Meditation for Discover Your Destiny 🧘‍♂️

📍 This guided meditation is designed to help you discover the destiny that lies within you. The deeper your go within yourself the more clear you become in regards to your path that exists outside of yourself. Relax, listen and explore!

Listen on YouTube

*Check the new releases section in the app

What IS Worth Fighting For 🥊

I want to be very clear in saying I pass no judgement in regards to what you believe is worthy of fighting for. We all have lived experiences that make us value some things over others.

The main point of this exercise was for you to engage with the idea of real conflict where you have to defend yourself or a tribe you are affiliated with.

Most of us (myself included) have never been faced with real intimate danger where we were forced to make these types of decisions and that leaves us vulnerable.

Right now my wife is reading one of my favorite books for the first time in Man’s Search for Meaning and his story is a perfect example of a society in WW2 Germany that caved into dogmatic programming and stopped thinking for themselves.

We saw a glimpse of this type of thinking during the pandemic where we created two classes of citizens the vaxed (full privileges) and the unvaxed (second class citizens.) Without any scientific evidence to back it up.

Most people just went along with the programming that their government organizations were worth fighting for and were happy to demonize anyone who wasn’t falling in line.

This was a place where I was willing to fight, because we were talking about potentially putting harmful unproven medicine into myself, my family and my close friends.

As I mentioned earlier. Our physical safety is where I draw my line in the sand.

Fortunately, I was able to move to the free state of Florida where I wasn’t subject to the misguided laws of California, so I never had to engage with this conflict head on.

In closing though this isn’t about vax or no vax.

It’s about us as individuals flexing our ability to think for ourselves.To decide what IS worth fighting for.

As the old quote goes..

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.

Lots of love,



P.S. Have you joined our free 7 day mental reset yet? Check it out for details.