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- The School of YOU
The School of YOU
The Owned Newsletter #60
Whatup fam?
I’ve got a BIG DOWNLOAD this week I want to share with you.
This could be life changing if you are ready to receive it.

I want to start by asking yourself a question..
What percentage of information do you seek from within yourself and what percentage of information do you try to seek out externally?
If you are an adult, which I am assuming most of you reading this are, then you have already lived a lot of life and have a gold mine of information available within you already.
Truthfully you’ve had the most precious information within you since the day you were born.
Hear me out on this..
Last week I told you I was limiting the information I was consuming externally through social media.
One of the AHA moments that came through for me is that our school system and society as a whole has programmed us to believe that information is only valid when it comes from a source outside of ourselves.
Seriously, when you went to school did you ever have a class where you studied yourself?
Where you turned all your attention inward and asked yourself what you need to feel good and experience fulfillment?
THIS is where the gold is for you.
YOU have unique desires, abilities and ways of being.
But, you can only tap into this information when you look within.
Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t google or search on YouTube when you need a specific piece of information, but that should actually be the exception and not the rule.
Instead, what if you trusted your own intuition as much as you trusted google?
What would be possible for you?
I’ll tell you. A life of deep fulfillment, purpose and success.
So enough of the RA RA, you can tell I’m pretty excited about this concept.
I want to give you some actionable ways to mine the gold within.
Let’s bring this to one of my favorite areas of study. Physical Health.

Have you ever tried a diet or workout plan just because you trusted someone or something externally only to find out it didn’t work for you?
What if you were conscious to the way different foods made you feel.
When you eat a ton of gluten and sugar at night how do you feel the next morning?
If you wake up feeling sluggish there is your answer. Eat less of that stuff.
How do you feel when you drink lots of water and a moderate amount of food sourced directly from the earth (fruits, veggies, starches, meat, etc?)
You tell me!
Your lived and experience and the way you feel can be all the information you need.
I’ve had the experience where I wore a Whoop fitness band and it would tell me I had great recovery, but I would feel extremely tired.
What’s more valid? The external information or my lived experience?
For me the answer is my lived experience, which means I need to better prioritize my sleep.
Same goes for your workouts.
Are you forcing yourself to do a workout program, because someone told you should do it?
What if you were to just move your body in way you actually enjoyed.. you may find that you will be more consistent and will in turn get better long-term results.
Let’s dig into your Mental Health.

You might have read that doing X, Y and Z morning routine everyday will improve your mental health, but what if it just feels like a chore for you?
What if you were to instead ask yourself what activities, people and experiences contribute to you feeling consistently good and did those things instead?
Most people drink coffee and some studies show it helps with focus, but what if when you drink coffee you feel anxious or jittery?
Should you keep drinking coffee because the studies say so or should you find an alternative beverage to start your day with?
*I love coffee, but I learned that I can do no more than one cup in the morning or I become an anxious mess the rest of the day.
What about your Career?

What if you grew up excelling in school, so everyone encouraged you to study more and get more degrees and that led you to getting a really high paying job as a doctor?
But doing so ultimately left you feeling unfulfilled and overly stressed?
Should you keep going down that career path or should you ask yourself what your deeper desires are?
Maybe you have always loved the ocean and instead want to spend your life studying marine biology, because it means you get to spend lots of time in an environment that relates to the ocean.
Listen I don’t have the answers for you, because I’m not you. 👈
My point is that you are a wealth of knowledge and wisdom if you have the courage to look within for the information you are seeking.
Everyone is going to have an opinion on what’s best for you.
I encourage you to step back and attend the School of YOU, so you can find out for yourself.
Heck, try it out for a week and see what happens.
When I have done this in my own life it has always paid off and whenever I get too rational and start seeking an excess of information outside of myself it has led me to dark places.
This is my lived experience. I want to learn about yours.
Feel free to comment or reply to this email with what came up for you as you were reading this.
Per usual, I have a new guided meditation available today.
Cruise on over to my app or check it out on YouTube.
Have a great week ahead!
Lots of love,