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- The Power of Focus 👁️
The Power of Focus 👁️
The owned newsletter #7

Freedom is a state of mind.The more you own your focus. The more free you are.This week I’m going to share with you some tools and frameworks for taking back control over your focus, so you can experience more emotional freedom.
Question of the Week 🤔
“Who’s in control of the voice in your head?”A lot of mindfulness teachers may tell you that thoughts are just like passing clouds and there is nothing you can do to control them. Just observe them and let them go.Although this advice is well meaning; it’s not true.
Our self talk is not random and it can be heavily influenced.
Our conscious voice in our head is just a bubbling up of what we have going on at the subconscious level.I made a video to help you gain back control over that voice in your head.
The Power of Focus 👁️
Your ability to focus may feel like something you are either born with or not born with, but that’s far from the truth.
Focus is more like a muscle.The more you train it the stronger your focus becomes.👉 There are always 2 things you can choose to focus on.
Focus on what you want
Focus on what you don’t want
As you can imagine the muscle you want to build is your ability to focus exclusively on what you want.
The more you focus on what you want; the more you get what you want.
The more you focus on what you don’t want; the more you get what you don’t want.If you would like support with building your focus muscle check out my meditation app.The sessions in there are specific to topics you want to improve your focus towards (money, weight loss, sleep, happiness etc.)
What Makes People Fat & Poor
Often times the answer is Artificial Complexity.People struggle with weight loss and money management, because they make it far more complicated than it needs to be.For example; to lose weight you only need to eat in a calorie deficit and exercise 5x/week for 30 min.
Most people are looking for more complicated answers, because they don’t want to accept that the solution is simple yet surprisingly hard.

What makes things even harder is that when you do a google search about “how to lose weight” you find 100 different answers.The amount of artificial complexity that is perpetuated can make anyone feel overwhelmed and leads a lot of people to take no action at all.My buddy wrote a great article on how to avoid falling into the pitfalls of artificial complexity. Check it out here.
Helping Those You Love Most

When you are on the path to awakening to your own potential you can easily get caught up in the excitement of your own transformation and feel the need to help change the people you love the most.Our first instinct is to give advice, but this isn't always the best decision.You see most people are stuck in their habits and there is no way to change those habits unless they feel like it’s their idea.So how do you get through to someone like that?
👉 You lead by example and keep your mouth shut. 👈Take the actions you know are in your best interest and be the example of what it looks like to personify these positive habits.
From there you just need to accept your loved ones for where they are on their journey and surrender their future.If they ask you how you have gotten your results you can share with them.Just remember, nobody likes unsolicited advice.
Own your own life and be the lighthouse for others to own theirs.
Seasons of Life

Life has alternating seasons that have nothing to do with the weather.
👉 There are seasons of hustling.
👉 Seasons of chilling.
👉 Seasons of learning.
👉 Seasons of exploring.Right now I am in a season of hustling as I work to get The Owned Industries off the ground.It’s important to recognize what season you are in and accept it for what it is.Everything in the universe has a cycle to it and we must be conscious of those cycles if we want to fully enjoy where we are on our journey.If you are in a season of hustling don’t resent the fact that you are not taking part in as much recreation.If you are in a season of chilling don’t resent the fact that you are not fully engaged in your work.
Get clear on what season you are in right now and be present with it.
Best Workouts on The Internet

I am in no way biased
but the jump rope dudes have the best at home workouts on the internet.Want to try one for free?
Check out this jump rope workoutDo the thing!
Go on there and own your week.All the best,Brandon#TheOwned