The Journey to Wholeness

The Owned Newsletter #58

Hello my friend,

Usually I share valuable tools and frameworks in these emails.

Today, I have no prescription for you.

My only intention today is to connect straight to your heart.

I’ll do so by sharing a personal reflection.

The reason why I am so Gung Ho about sharing personal development AKA the path to awakening to our full potential is that I am on the path myself.

Deep down I am healing my own trauma.

This trauma I speak of is not unique to me, but I will share my unique experience of it starting with my genetics.

My inherited genetic code is full of trauma.

👩 On my Mother’s side there is trauma around self-expression and the violent consequences that could be faced from oversharing or stepping out of line.

One of the physical manifestations of this is my thyroid disorder.

👨 On my Father’s side there is trauma around escaping persecution and the need to constantly be racing ahead, so not to face the violent consequences of simply existing.

One of the physical manifestations of this is my anxiety.

📍 And then there is my own lived trauma that was created during this life.

Trauma that stems from growing up with an older brother with Down Syndrome and the pressure to achieve to make up for what my brother could not do in his life.

Trauma that stems from childhood sexual experiences that forced me to live in a state of shame and confusion for almost 2 decades.

Trauma that comes from trying to share my unique truth, failing and then feeling the need to hide away until I achieved some sense of societal success.

All these traumas at their core come down to unconscious fear.

Fear of not doing enough.

Fear of not having enough.

And the fear of not being enough.

If I have learned anything in my life it’s that there will never be a permanent destination where I will arrive where the universe will open up its loving arms and say YOU ARE ENOUGH! You have been and you always will be.

Rather, my experience is that feeling enough requires that I stay on a constant cyclical path of gaining awareness of where I am suffering, accepting what is, surrendering what was and stepping into what could be. 👈

This, for me, is personal development.

This, for me, is what it means for me to awaken to my full potential.

This, for me, is the infinite game that I was put here to play.

The more I live this cycle and transmute my trauma into my power the more okay and the more whole I feel.

And with wholeness comes a greater capacity to achieve.

It really is a beautiful process, but it’s one that requires courage.

So this is why I share what I share.

I am constantly doing the work and then sharing it with others to better integrate it for myself.

Like I said I don’t have a prescription for you.

All I can do is share what has worked for me.

If this struck a chord and you want to talk about it I’m here.

Feel free to reach out.

From one sacred soul to another.

Lots of love,

