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The Best Stage of Life
The Owned Newsletter #48
Whatup fam,
Today we will be uncovering what stage of life you are in, so you can be at peace with the actions that are required of you at this stage of your life. 👈
Sound like fun? Let’s get it!
Question of the week 🤔
“What stage of life are you in?”
Now hold your horses!
Before you start thinking about your stage of life I want you to start with understanding the stages that are available to you to choose from in this framework I am sharing.
⚜️ Stage 1: Knight - You are in an exploratory phase where you are finding out where you want to set your roots down and what you want to do with your life. This is the stage where you go out into the world and fight dragons. 🐉 Discovering for yourself what this human experience is all about. 👁️
🤴 Stage 2: Prince/Princess - You have fought some dragons and now have a good idea of who you are and what your strengths are. 👸 You are now putting down roots and building your empire. In this phase you are building your family and career.
👑 Stage 3: King/Queen - You have already built a successful empire and are now fully committed to sharing your wisdom with others. You family is fully grown and your career has peaked in a way that gives you full freedom to pursue altruistic endeavors.
So of these 3 which are you in right now?
None are better than the others. It just is. You just are.
I am currently a Prince. Still in the early stages of my professional career with a young family that I am caring for.
Meditation to Free Yourself from Guilt
This guided meditation has been designed to free you from the feelings of guilt that keep you playing small and timid. Now is the time where you let go of guilt and step into your power. Listen and let me know how it goes!
Listen on YouTube
*Check the new releases section in the app
Settling into Your Stage of Life
Okay, so given the framework I presented above you should now have an idea of what stage of life you are in. Now let’s capitalize on it.
⚜️ If you are in your knight phase don’t be afraid to say fuck it and go wander somewhere to do something that’s out of your comfort zone. Now is the time feel completely free. Go travel to that new place. ✈️ Go move to that new place! Try building a new skill. 🤸♂️ Try a new line of work. Go within and explore your consciousness. 🔎 This is the time to be selfish and feel great about it.

👸 If you are in your prince/princess phase don’t be afraid to let go of some of the freedoms that came with your knight phase in exchange for the stability that comes from this next phase. Lean into this phase of life where you are actively building something that you would be willing to work on for the next 20-40 years. 👈 This is the phase of your life where you get really good at building habits that reverse engineer your success.🏃 In this phase of life you have to fully own your focus and choices; otherwise you will limit the possibilities for what you can build and experience.

👑 If you are in your king/queen phase don’t be afraid to sit back and allow other people to do more while you guide them with your being. You have undoubtedly uncovered a lot of wisdom to get to this phase and your worth is in who you are much more than what you do. 🙌 Your experience can benefit everyone, so lean into this phase. In business this might be a time where you move from CEO to a Chairman or a board member. This doesn’t mean you give up your ambition. Rather, you fuel your ambition with your being rather than your doing.

What’s important to note here is that these 3 phases have nothing to do with age. I coach a world class business owner who is only 35 but has arrived in the King phase. Whereas I know 40 year olds who are still in the Knight phase.
No phase of life is any better or worse than the others.
It’s just good to have awareness of what phase you are in, so you can align yourself with the energy and actions required to have your best experience possible in this phase.
Ultimately, the best stage of life is the one you are in right now.
Enjoy every moment!
Lots of love,
P.S. Thanks for reading and please share my newsletter if you enjoy it!!