Stop giving away your power 💥

Owned Newsletter #64

Whatup fam,


And this weekly newsletter was designed to help you OWN that power.

I know I may sound like a broken record when sharing this, but there really are only two ways for you to own this universal power pulsating through your veins.

You must own your focus and your choices. 👈

Meaning you must audit your subconscious programming to find out what is guiding your focus (fear or love) and you must audit your choices to see if they are truly in alignment with what you desire for your life.

By doing so you are firmly grasping the steering wheel of your life.

When you outsource your focus or choices you give away your power and become weak.

In our lifetime there has never been a greater example of this then what just occurred during the covid-19 pandemic. 🦠

The majority of people around the world outsourced their focus and choices to their government and in doing so were complicit in destroying millions of lives.

Don’t know what I’m talking about?

💉Pfizer executives finally announced what many of us knew in our gut from the start. There was never any scientific evidence to prove that the vaccine prevents transmission of the covid-19 virus.

Meaning, we created a society of second class citizens for no reason.

Millions of people around the world lost their jobs, lost their businesses and destroyed existing relationships by refusing to inject themselves with an unproven medical intervention.

What’s scariest to me is that in one poll conducted 48% of democrats were in favor of putting the unvaccinated in isolated camps, so they didn’t infect the vaccinated.

This is what happens when we give away our focus and choices.

We allow fear to guide us instead of facts and become powerless.

The big picture is this..

Although I wish the authority figures in power had our best interest at heart, they don’t.

If we want to live healthy and happy lives we have to own our lives.

We must look past the projected story and see things for what they are.

If you follow the mainstream recommendation for how to eat and how to take care of your mental health you will be obese and depressed.

If you follow the mainstream recommendation for making a living you will be in debt and pursuing a career you don’t love.

If we want to heal as a planet and prevent history from repeating itself we must look beyond the veil of what’s being presented to us and do the inner work to change ourselves to change the world.

Personally, it was easy for me to see things clearly during the pandemic despite receiving pressure from family and my local government to get the jab, because I had already built the skills to own my focus and choices.

A month into the pandemic I saw the survival rates (especially for people in my age and health bracket) and knew that the mass hysteria was a crock of shit. I was mentally and emotionally free, because I was and am guided by love and not fear.

My hope for the readers of this newsletter is that you are as well.

And if you’re not - I have the tools to support you.

If you haven’t already hop in my free 7 day mental reset

It’s designed to rewire your mind to align with love instead of fear.

Additionally, each week I release guided meditations to help you do the same.

This week I have one designed to remove your limiting beliefs about yourself.

Meditation to uncover your limiting beliefs

Or download my app for an enhanced listening experience.

Lots of love,
