Social Media Fast

The Owned Newsletter #59

Whatup fam?

Question.. do you ever pick up your phone for no reason to check in with social media, email or anything else that realistically doesn’t deserve your present moment?

I definitely have been guilty of this and recently had this AHA moment that I am consuming way too much information.

Reflecting on this made me think about how my brain wasn’t built to be constantly receiving so much information and this was probably leading to a significant drain on my biological battery 🔋(*check out newsletter #55 for more on your biological battery.)

So.. to counter balance my bad habit I have been taking a social media fast this past week to give myself more space to be in my own inner world.

I deleted YouTube, instagram, tik tok and ESPN. I also stopped listening to all podcasts.

I removed temptation by deleting the apps altogether.

For context, I have a weird relationship with social media, because I have been making a living through producing content the past 8 years, so in the past I always felt like I could justify why I needed to look at the apps.

Fortunately, I have a legendary team member (shout out Gabriela) who has taken over my posting for me, so that excuse has recently been nullified.

I’m not going to lie.. I feel fucking great being off all platforms for the first time in almost a decade.

The byproduct of this little experiment has been astounding and makes me question whether I ever want to have them on my phone again.

My biggest takeaway has been how much time I have back to simply BE. 👈

🔹 When I am in social situations I am fully present.

🔹 When I am with my wife I am fully present.

🔹 When I am with my daughter I am fully present.

🔹 When I am working I am fully present with the task at hand.

And what has been most powerful is that when I am with myself I have so much more spaciousness to think deeply about things that might be ignored if I filled my empty moments with media consumption.

One of my good friends and world class coach, Keyen, refers to this as sitting into the tension.

It’s been so easy for me to bypass deeper desires that I have when I distract myself with information and events outside of myself.

In the past I might have been brainstorming on a project and then BOOM I see a piece of information online that sends me down a rabbit hole that ultimately brings me no closer to what I truly desire.

It’s been extremely powerful for me to sit just into the tension of having no where to put my attention, but the present moment.

This has forced me to think more deeply about what impact I want to have in the world and has definitely got the juices flowing for me.

I’m curious, does that resonate with you?

Leave a comment or reply to this email.

I might have something for you that could help you OWN YOUR FOCUS like never before..

Finally, I have new guided meditations for you!

This is one place I have been able to put my extra attention and time.

I just added two new meditations to my app, which you can check out below:

Or.. pop on over to my YouTube channel

where they have been posted.

I’ll also link up this week’s meditation below.

Have a great week ahead!

Lots of love,

