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- Should You Burn The Ships?
Should You Burn The Ships?
The Owned Newsletter #49
Whatup fam,
Have you ever gone all in on what you are most passionate about?
I’m talking about throwing yourself into a career choice with no regard for what logically makes sense or what other people think is the right thing to do.
I have and I am going to share my lessons learned today.

Question of the week 🤔
“Should you burn the ships?” 🚢
Going all in on something with complete focus on a plan A and a complete disregard for a plan B can be terrifying.
It may feel like by doing so you are limiting your opportunities and taking a bigger risk, but experience has told me otherwise.
🎓 When I was 22 years old I graduated undergraduate college with a deep passion for the field of mental performance. Most people in my field go directly into a masters and then often times a doctorate program to work in this field.
After learning close to no relevant information for my field in my previous 4 years old college I decided to skip more school and go all in on becoming a professional on my terms.
I had a plan A and wasn’t even considering plan B.
👉 And my plan A was do whatever it takes to be a professional working in mental performance. Really owning the quote I shared with you a couple weeks back by Albert Einstein - “The Only True Source of Knowledge is Experience.”
I started by working with everyone who would let me with them. I worked at alternative medicine clinics. I worked with aspiring amateur athletes in my hometown. I worked with friends. Friends of friends.
And that led me to working with my buddy who was a former Division 1 basketball player. 🏀 He was an aspiring app entrepreneur at the time and loved my work so much that he had the idea of taking my meditations and putting them into mobile apps.
I never could have anticipated having an app company, but this was a conduit into working professionally in mental performance so I dove in.
The business turned me on to this concept of entrepreneurship and opened my mind to all the different ways I could take my passion of mental performance bring it into the world to help others.
This experience as an entrepreneur led me into the world of teaching online which led me into YouTube and ultimately led to me using my skills of helping others to create a YouTube channel, which now has over a million subscribers.
Building that platform has now given me the financial freedom to pursue more of what I love in mental performance without the pressure of needing to get rich from it on day 1. 😌🙏
Moral of the story. When you go all in on plan A doors open for you.
It may not look anything like what you anticipated, but the universe (God) rewards us for committing our focus and choices to a path that is aligned with our unique gift. 🎁
So should you burn the ships and go all in? 🔥
Only you can make that decision, but when doing so remember this Jim Rohn quote - “The pain of regret weighs tonnes whereas the pain of discipline weighs ounces.”
Better to be disciplined with what you love, then to live with regret knowing you never fully committed to your passion and went for it.

Meditation to Get Mentally Organized 📚
This guided meditation is in perfect alignment with pursuing your passion and going all in one what you love. You can use this to get mentally organized for the week or month ahead. This will get you laser focused and clear on what you need to do in all aspects of your life.
Listen on YouTube
*Check the new releases section in the app
5 Lessons Learned Burning The Ships 🚢🔥
Continuing on the topic of burning the ships I want to share my top 5 lessons learned by going all in on plan A without any regard for a plan B
👉 Lesson 1: There will be pain
It takes courage to pursue your life’s purpose and you will undoubtedly need to move through painful obstacles to get where you want to go. For me that pain took the form of lots of uncertainty, anxiety, stress, fear, worry, scarcity and negative emotion that accompanied the “not knowing if this will work” stage. This stemmed mostly from financial instability, but to be honest I wouldn’t change a thing. That emotional pain built the scar tissue I need to move through any obstacle that presents itself to be in present day.

👉 Lesson 2: There will be sacrifice
You can’t do two things well at the same time. I learned this the hard way. If you want to pursue a chosen path you will need to say NO to many things and experiences. You can do anything you want; you just can’t do it all at once.

👉 Lesson 3: There will be fulfillment
Nothing is more fulfilling than betting on yourself and seeing it pay off. I’m not going to lie. When I became a profitable guide in the field of mental performance it literally brought me to tears of joy. Everyday I thank God for the opportunity to do what I love and experience deep fulfillment when teaching online and working 1 on 1 with my clients.
👉 Lesson 4: There will be doubters
I’m not going to name names, but most people in my life were very confused about the life path I chose at 22 years old. 10 years later I look like a genius, but at the time many people I knew that chose not to pursue their perceived life purpose looked at my chosen path with pessimism and judgement. If you are like me that will only fuel your fire, but nonetheless expect that it can be a lonely road when getting started.

👉 Lesson 5: There will be continuous growth
When pursuing a dharmic path with singular focus you will be forced to grow to meet your ambitions. You never arrive. You keep growing and as you grow your possibilities and opportunities grow with you. This is not a path for the feint of heart. It’s a path for the eager spiritual warrior who knows what it right for them and is committed to do the inner work necessary to create the external results.
Talking about burning the ships and going all in on your plan A can sound very sexy in theory and it definitely can be. It can also be very messy. It most likely won’t look like you have envisioned it, but somehow the parts of your vision that matter most will come to fruition.
So who amongst you have chosen to burn the ships already and is on your path and who is considering it?
Let me know. I want to hear from you and I want to support you.
Let’s own our focus and choices, so we can own our lives.
Lots of love,