Reverse Engineering Success

The Owned Newsletter #57

Whatup fam,

Today we are going to help you reverse engineer your success.

Before doing so I want to thank you again for being a loyal subscriber to this newsletter. If you know it would benefit someone you care about please forward it on over to them.

Question of the week 🤔

What is success to you?

I am personally always auditing my idea of success, because the more I live and evolve, the more clarity I gain into what would make me the happiest.

One example of this was my desire to be the mental performance coach for the New York Knicks (my favorite basketball team.)

I thought this would be the epitome of success until I found out..

  1. Working for an NBA team means you cannot speak freely through your own personal brand (I learned this from my friend who is the athletic trainer for the Knicks.)

  2. Most NBA players don’t trust or want to work with the team hired psychologist/mental coach (I learned this from helping my friend who was the mental performance coach for the LA Clippers.)

Now my idea of success has changed to wanting to build long-term deep relationships with individual professional athletes (separate from their organization.)

That of course is just the bucket of career success.

I also have clarity of my success physically, mentally, relationally and financially.

My question is do you have clarity of what success is in all these areas?

Until you do you will struggle to take the next steps to achieve success, which I’ll outline later in this newsletter..

Meditation for Basketball Players 🧘‍♂️

This guided meditation is designed to help basketball players mentally prepare for and rehearse whether it be for practice or an actual game. This meditation stems from my experience guiding my coaching clients who play competitive basketball and I wanted to make this session available for anyone seeking to level up their mental game.

*Check the new releases section in the app

Reverse Engineering Your Success

In other words, walking backwards from your desired goals.

This past weekend I had my wife’s cousin’s family over for a family BBQ and I was speaking with him about his desire to shift careers from a cardiologist to a functional health doctor and I brought up how he just needs to reverse engineer his new found desire for success in his career.

When I said “reverse engineer” him and his wife kinda looked at my like “huh?”

And I realized that what has become second nature for me may not be so obvious to others, so I wanted to share this concept with you. 👇

Most of us are programmed to take a linear path that is already laid out for us.

In the example of this cardiologist - Graduate high school. Graduate college. Get a more doctorate degree. Get training in the hospital. Use this degree to get a job in the field of study. Use that experience to open a private practice.

But what if the steps to get where you want to go aren’t so perfectly outlined?

Like this guy who ideally would work remotely with his clients in a new field of study that is parallel to the one he is in right now.

In these cases you must get creative and reverse engineer your success.

As previously stated the first step is to get clarity about what success is.

Which for him may be..

What do you want to specialize in?

How much do you want to work?

How much money do you need or want to make?

Once you answer all those questions what you have done is you’ve created a clear GPS coordinate for your super computer subconscious mind to work towards.

From there you can visualize that this ideal success is let’s say 1-2 years away and then you start walking backwards to see what steps are needed to get there.

What I told him was the first step of reverse engineering this for himself would be to first become the first case study.

In other words, get exceptional levels of health through using functional medicine modalities.

From there he could see what he enjoys most. He could uncover what products or services would be highest leverage to focus on. He could see what demographic would benefit most from this.

From there he could start to uncover how to offer these services in the best way to the best potential clients and then go from there.

Far too often our conscious mind puts up barriers, because it doesn’t have the “HOW” figured out from the get go.

👉 The truth is that the how will reveal itself as you begin to reverse engineer the outcome.

This applies to literally all aspects of life.

Want exceptional physical health?

Ask yourself what habits you believe you should eliminate first and what habits you should start to adopt. Eliminate one bad habit at a time. Add one good habit at a time. Over time with consistent focus you will reverse engineer exceptional physical health.

You can reverse engineer most things when you surrender to not having everything figured out from the get go.

I have experienced this personally myself.

For onboarding professional athlete clients I had to reverse engineer the path since I did not pursue an advanced degree in sports psychology.

For me that has looked like first getting exceptional results in my life that I know my potential clients want for themselves and then putting myself in situations to attract those clients into my life.

So I started with getting myself firing on all cylinders physically, mentally, relationally and financially.

And then I put myself in the circles to meet these people..

I joined a boxing gym where I could be around the best boxers in the world.

I put out content speaking directly to these people.

I started working with top sports agents who are connected to these people.

All these steps have began to reverse engineer my original desire for what I defined as career success.

If you need help with this feel free to reply to this email or join my 7 day mental reset which will start you down the path of building the beliefs and habits you need to be successful.

Appreciate all the love and again if this hit home feel free to forward it to someone you feel would benefit from it.

Lots of love,

