Overcoming Self-Sabotage

The Owned Newsletter #2

Welcome The Owned Newsletter.

A big hearted no B.S. newsletter dedicated to bringing you information and tools to help you own your focus and own your choices, so you can own your life.

Let’s get into it.

Question of the Week 🤔

"How many days would you like to work per week?"

I posed this question on my instagram the other day when reflecting on work/life balance.

There is no right/wrong answer. It’s just a good question to ask yourself.

Personally, as a business owner I don’t care how many days a week my employees work; I just care that they get their work done to the best of their ability.

Time Spent Working 🕑

Just because you are born into a world where you are told you need to go to college, work 5-6 days/week, vacation maximum 2 weeks a year and repeat until you retire doesn’t mean you have to accept this as your only option.

A little about my journey.. in my senior year of college I read the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss and although this was not a playbook to follow it was a useful tool for challenging my belief systems around the traditional work week.

When you believe there are other options out there you start to uncover the possibilities for yourself.

If you have the courage to explore those possibilities you can create whatever it is you desire.

Personally, I want to work more than 4 hrs/week, but a lot less than 40 hours.

Discover what’s right for you and don’t judge yourself along the way.

Our Beliefs Create Our Reality 👁️

Beliefs are the gateway to our subconscious minds.

They don’t just control how much we think we should work.

They control how we perceive and construct all of our reality.

👉 If you want to change anything in your life start with your beliefs.

Everything I want to accomplish in my life starts with the question "What must I believe to be true to bring this outcome into my reality?"

If you want to learn more about how your beliefs are programming your biology and reality here is a must read book by Dr. Bruce Lipton: The Biology of Belief

Delta 🦠

Yo this new virus variant is pretty scary - even young people are getting sick!

But guess what - there is something we can proactively do about it.

78% of patients in the ICU are overweight or obese.

Instead of sitting back and passively waiting for the next booster shot you can get out of that risk group by owning your choices.

A study conducted in South Korea showed that increased aerobic and strength training decreased the risk of infection, serious illness and death.

Now let’s own our choices by working out!

Self Sabotage

Self-awareness is the foundation for improving the quality of our lives.

The problem is that sometimes it can be tricky to become aware of how we are subconsciously sabotaging ourselves. 👈

Lucky for us there is a really awesome tool that one of my past coaches shared with me that will make the unconscious - conscious.

Here is a free 5 min assessment that will help show you how you self-sabotage, so hopefully in the future you can pivot and make better choices for yourself.

Be careful not to get down on yourself for the areas you need to improve. You are NOT broken. You just have opportunities to make upgrades when you're ready.

BTW: If you are curious what my achilles heel is; it’s definitely restlessness AKA impulsive behavior.

The Meaning of Life

During these chaotic times it’s good to ground ourselves in what’s important.

I made a video trying to do just that by identifying what I believe the meaning of life is. Take a look and let me know if you resonate.

That’s all for this week!

If you want to hear a specific topic covered next week hit ‘reply’ and let me know.

We are co-creating The Owned movement together and I am grateful to have you in this community.

Lots of love,


P.S. If you enjoyed this newsletter it would mean the world to me if you would share this with someone who you believe it will be impactful for.