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- Money Season + Detox your Mind
Money Season + Detox your Mind
The owned newsletter #11
Hello my friend,
Have you ever noticed the cyclical nature of life? 🍂

If you pay close attention you will notice that there is a pendulum that is always swinging back and forth.
We have day 🌤️ which eventually leads to night 🌙
We have failures that eventually lead to successes.
Life is not linear and life is not stagnant.
👉 I share this as a reminder to be grateful when you are feeling high and to have perspective when you are feeling low. Nothing lasts forever.
Let’s get into some ways to help you own your focus and choices no matter where you are on your journey.
Question of the week 🤔
“Is it a Hell Yea or a No?”
The author Derek Sivers wrote this famous blog post around 12 years ago introducing this idea that if it’s not a HELL YEA then to be fair with yourself it should probably be a no.
This is not a question you ask when considering inconsequential things like whether you should take out the trash or not.
This is a question you ask about the big decisions in your life.
👉 Is it a hell yea that I want to be in this relationship?
👉 Is it a hell yea that I want to have this job?
👉 Is it a hell yea that I want to live in this city?
It’s easy to get caught up in apathy where you just go from one major life decision to the next saying to yourself “yea that’s fine or that’s good enough.”
That approach to life is fine for surviving, but that is not how you live a life where you are thriving. 🔥
Want to experience more excitement, joy, fulfillment and peace?
Start only committing to things that feel like a HELL YEA and start saying no to things that feel like a “that would be fine.”
It takes courage, but damn it my friend it’s worth it!

Saying HELL YEA is one of the first steps in owning your life ✊
Save Your Own Life
Speaking as a citizen of the United States, I’ve got to admit that collectively, our country’s citizens have gotten lazy and overly dependent.
We are such a rich country that our poorest citizens are now suffering from chronic diseases aligned with overeating and under moving 🤒
Fortunately (or unfortunately) for us, we have big Pharma 💉 who is there to save the day with prescriptions to bolster you up and keep you alive no matter how badly you treat your body.
This system works okay until an external event like a deadly novel virus comes into play. As we have seen through the statistics around 78%+ of people in the ICU are overweight or obese and even the best of modern science may not be enough to keep them alive.
So how do we stay physically resilient no matter what life throws at us?
We stop looking externally and start looking internally.
Take inventory of the current state of your physical health
Don’t compare yourself to other people.
How healthy are YOU?
Are you lean? Are you strong? Are you energized? Do you have endurance?
If you compare yourself to people in the US then all you have to be is overweight to be better than the 30%+ of people who are obese.
Compare yourself to the best YOU that you can possibly be.
Set a long term health goal.
Build sustainable habits to chunk down that long term goal.
Start today 💪
Here are some resources if you want to go down the rabbit hole with me - and here are some other really good people to follow in the health/fitness space as well.
Stop Judging and Start Loving
Have you ever felt judged by someone, but later realized that they weren’t judging you at all? In fact it was all in your head the whole time?
I’ve been guilty of this 🤷
Here is how we overcome this common insecurity.
😮 We start by realizing that all fear of judgement from others stems from a subconscious judgement that we are placing on ourselves.
Meaning we are the biggest judgers of all!
We judge ourselves either consciously or subconsciously and then project that out into the world and imagine that other people must also hold these judgements.
Once we can own the fact that we are the creator of this judgement, we can make a shift in our perceived reality.
Ask yourself why you’re judging yourself and then make a decision.
Are you rightly judging yourself?
If so, then step up and start making better choices.
If you are being unfair with yourself then start appreciating the good choices you are making. Practice gratitude for the positive ways you are showing up in the world and love yourself for where you are on your journey.
❤️❤️ When we stop judging and start loving (ourselves and others) we create a much more peaceful inner world to live in.
Money Seasons

Making money comes in seasons 💸
You may have to put in 3 seasons (9 months) of hard work to see the fruits of your labor in the final season of the year.
This is especially true when you work for yourself 💯
If you are in an intense period of working and haven’t seen the money start to flow for you yet be patient and keep going.
As long as you are continuing to improve your strategy and taking consistent positive action you will break through.
Most people give up and stop working on a focused gameplay before they can see the fruits of their labor. Don’t give up. Keep going!
This was my reality when I first started Jump Rope Dudes.
The first 9 months of all out focused effort produced almost no financial reward. BUT we kept pushing and in the final 3 months of our first year the money started to slowly begin flowing.
🌟 You never know how close you are to the gold, so keep mining my friend.
Make Your Romantic Intentions Clear
👁️ One thing that I often see people stumbling over is the lack of alignment with a romantic partner when it comes to a long term relationship vision.
If you are still looking for “the one” or are starting to date someone who you think could be “the one” then I highly recommend you get clear on your own intentions.
Do you want to get married?
Do you want to have kids?
What kind of division of labor do you want in your house?
Are you okay with having one sexual partner for the rest of your life?
These are all important questions you must ask yourself and then your partner before you start making long term plans together.
I’ve seen in my own life that even though my wife and I come from different countries and cultures; we line up on the big picture vision stuff and that’s what makes our bond rock solid.
There is no “right” or “wrong” in your romantic desires.
Just choose what you desire and you will attract someone who desires the same.
Detoxing Your Mind
There is a lot of toxic energy out there that can infect your mind if you let it.
I’ve found the key to detoxing your mind to be mostly aligned with elimination.
Eliminate toxic people from your life ✌️
Eliminate toxic media that gets you into a state of fight or flight 📺
Eliminate social media accounts or apps that make you feel bad 🤬
Eliminate foods that make you feel mentally foggy 🍟
Eliminate anything coming into your mind or body that you know to be toxic.
If you want to add a detoxifying practice you can start with some guided meditation.
That’s the newsletter for the week.
Own your focus. Own your choices. Own your life!
All the best,