Long-Term Results 🔝

Owned Newsletter #8

Welcome back or welcome to the owned newsletter!Here are some actionable ways to own your focus, own your choices and ultimately own the outcomes of your life.

Question of the Week 🤔

“Who can help you?”I don’t know about you, but I used to think I had to do everything on my own.Do it all Brandon..What I’ve learned is that I can only get so far by myself.Sometimes the question we should be asking is “WHO” can help me; not “HOW” can I figure this out on my own.WHO NOT HOW is a powerful concept to grasp that is necessary for scaling results and excelling in areas where you are weak.If you’re interested in going deeper on this topic check out this book.

Profit First

Are you a business owner or thinking about becoming one?If you answered YES; then I want to share a lesson I had to learn the hard way as it relates to structuring your companies finances.When I first got started with my businesses I was so focused on growth and operations that I lost site of why I started (to make a living for myself!)By doing so I ended up overspending on the business and underspending on paying myself.This basically made me a slave to my business.The way to not fall into this trap is by applying the PROFIT FIRST principles.A very quick summary is that you pay yourself first before you go out and start allocating funds in the business to do new things.This may seem common sense, but definitely doesn’t feel that way when you are balancing the pressure of growing the business while still paying your own bills.To dive deeper on this topic check out this book Profit First.

Calorie Awareness

Do you have any idea how many calories you eat per day?You would be surprised to hear that the most “healthy” foods can be some of the most calorie dense.Does that mean those foods are bad? Absolutely not.It just means you need to eat them in moderation if you want to avoid overeating and putting on excess weight.After helping thousands of people transform their bodies this is the #1 piece of advice that gets people the most results.If you have been struggling to lose weight PLEASE do these 2 things.

  1. Figure out how much you need to eat (here is a video for that)  

  2. Track and make sure you are not overeating (use a free app like this)

Do those 2 things and you have a formula to get a lean and healthy physique.

Long Term Volume > Short-Term Intensity

I don’t know about you, but I have this impulse I’m trying to break of trying to get everything done all at once instead of chunking things down for a long-term strategy.Here is an example applied to weight loss.You commit to waking up at 5am everyday, doing 2 workouts everyday and only eating specific foods everyday until you reach your weight loss goal.This strategy could work, but it usually doesn’t because it leads to burn out.You would be better off sleeping in, committing to workout 5x/week and eating 70% real food.This same philosophy applies to everything in life.If you have a business idea you should be creating a long-term road map for success with consistent sustainable habits vs pulling all nighters and trying to make a million dollars overnight.Long-term volume > Short term intensity wins 9.5/10 times.

Empathy For Your Parents đź‘«

Have you ever gotten frustrated with your parents for being a certain way that doesn’t align with who you are today?I think it’s natural to see some of your parents short comings and feel an inner resistance towards their behavior.The way to transcend this resistance and mend your relationship is through perspective and empathy.👉 Close your eyes and imagine that you as an adult are entering a room with your Mom or Dad as a version of themselves that is just 7 or 8 years old.See them as the child like version of themselves.What fears do they have? What insecurities do they have? Who hurt them?Most adults carry these same childhood wounds through their entire lives.This reframe will help you make peace with this person you have put on a pedestal as (Mom or Dad) because you remember that in many ways they are still wounded children.We are all doing the best we can with the consciousness we currently have.Try to remember your parent as a child the next to you feel triggered by them and it will make it much easier to feel empathy for them.

Pain is Necessary; Suffering is Optional

đź“Ť Pain is our inner GPS for healing.If we feel pain we know that there is something internal that needs our attention.The next step after feeling pain is to accept the pain, surrender to it and then choose a strategy to move through the pain.Suffering on the other hand is when we feel the pain, but we choose to continue to do the same behavior that keeps us stuck in pain.The only way out of suffering is the full acceptance and surrendering to what put you in this state of pain. Before you do that you will be stuck.Pain is necessary for growth and healing.Suffering is optional.Is there an area of your life right now that has you suffering?

Now that you have the tools you need; go on there and own your week!All the best,Brandon#TheOwned