Fixing Your Partner + Time Alone

Owned Newsletter #12

Hey fam

You know the routine.

Own your focus. Own your choices. Own your life.

Let’s get into it..

Question of the week 🤔

“When was the last time you completely surrendered to an experience?”

The practice of surrender helps us give up control over the things we cannot control (everything besides our focus and choices) so we can experience more peace in the present moment.

The thing about surrendering is that it is in fact a practice.

The more you do it, the better you get. You gotta practice though. 👊

One way that I practice surrendering is by doing extreme cold water exposure. This can also be replicated with a cold shower. 🚿

When I get in the water it’s always cold and uncomfortable.

The urge is to resist and try to control the situation by getting out.

The practice of surrendering is staying in the cold water and saying to yourself “this is just an experience and I surrender to it.."

There are many ways to practice surrender, so I encourage you to find out what fits your vibe. Essentially, you just need to put yourself in an extremely uncomfortable situation and then sit right in it until you surrender and find peace again in the present moment.

Surrender is one of the greatest skills that I have learned for producing consistent feelings of inner peace. 😌

Remember what we resist.. persists! 😆

You Are What You Eat

Food quality matters.

😞 I couldn’t afford to eat organic food or ethically harvested meat for years, so I just made it something that was unconscious for me. 

🍎👍 If you have the money though I 1000% recommend you invest into higher quality food.

Think about it this way..

You want to buy a healthy animal (physically and emotionally) to eat because that animal is becoming a part of you. 

😳 Their flesh is quite literally becoming your flesh.

Same goes for plants that we eat. 🌱

The chemicals that have been infused into your food become a part of you as well.

All ethics aside, buying higher quality foods just makes you a healthier person.

This is a topic I would love to dive deeper into in future newsletters so feel free to message me if you’re interested.

Time Alone

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time collecting my thoughts when I am constantly around other people.

I’ve found that by carving out a few hours of introspection alone each week, I can create the space I need to download my greatest AHA moments that drive my life forward. 🚀

I believe the reason for this is because when we are alone we can synthesize everything that we have been learning and we can create the space to come up with the plan to execute new creative ideas. 💡

Everyone has great ideas, but many of us don’t provide ourselves with the right container to download these ideas and find ways to execute on them. 💯

If you have been feeling stagnant in your life I recommend you throw 3 hours of your calendar this week to just be alone with a notepad and your thoughts. 🗒️💭

You might be surprised by what flows in!

More Focus More Money 🤑

Have you ever tried to start a new money-making endeavor, but got side tracked by the multitude of other opportunities out there?

I was guilty of this. ✋

At one point, I had 5 different businesses (side hustles) and they all failed for one reason. Not one of these was getting enough of my focus.

It was only when I quit everything except for one thing that I started to gain traction.

As a reminder it took me 100 YouTube videos to start seeing real money come through the door from Jump Rope Dudes.

During that time I had no side hustles. It was 100% focus on that business.

The results just bought me my first house and car.

If you are trying to make more money I recommend you do fewer things and focus more on one thing. 

🛑 Stop Trying To Fix Your Partner

It’s not your job to fix your gf/bf/husband/wife.

By trying to fix your partner’s emotional issues, you are actually robbing them of their own healing process and really just putting a bandaid on their issue. 🩹

This can be a hard pill to swallow for someone who’s done a lot of deep personal development work on themselves. 

👉 You may feel like you know what your partner needs to change, but one thing you forget is that you can’t change for them.

There are only two things you control in your relationship.

1. What you focus on when you are with your partner.

2. What you choose to do when you are with your partner.

So, if you want to encourage growth in your partner, just continue to focus and make choices to be the best you can be.

Accept your partner as they are now and you give them the greatest opportunity to become the best version of themselves in the future.

Sleep is King 💤👑

If I were to give someone my best piece of peak performance advice, it would be this.. get more sleep! 😴

How much!?

Well, that depends on how much you personally need.

We live in a society that likes to make blanket statements like “each this much” “workout this much” “drink this much water” “sleep this much”

The most well established sleep research says that most people start to experience serious negative side effects from sleeping less than 6 hrs, but also keep in mind there are outliars that thrive with 6 hrs or less.

Me personally - I need 8-9 hrs of sleep on average to sustain my highest level of performance and well-being.

You can find out how much you need by playing with a wearable like whoop or running this simple test.

Track your sleep for one week.

Write down how much you slept when you wake up and then your perceived state of being (1 worst - 10 best) after sleeping that amount.

Find a correlation between how many hrs makes you feel your best. 😄

This is a game changer once you hone in on it.

If you want some helpful guided meditations to sleep check this one out.

For anyone who wants me to go deeper down the sleep rabbit hole feel free to reply to this email and let me know. I can always share more in future newsletters.

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading.

Own your focus. Own your choices. Own your life.

All the best,



Want me to be your personal guide?

Feel free to reply to this email for 1 on 1 coaching.

Check out my mobile app for Guided Meditations.