Do NOT Set Goals This Year

Owned Newsletter #69

Whatup knuckleheads,

It’s your personal mental performance coach here to provide you a little boost heading into the new year.

I have recently submitted the manuscript for my book tentatively titled “You’ve Been Programmed to Fail” and am patiently awaiting my first round of edits to dive back in. The good news for you is that this gave me some extra time to write a newsletter for ya’ll. Woo!

Okay, so you know the routine. The new year rolls around and everyone gets hyped up about their goals and want they want to accomplish in the coming year.

Getting hyped on next year is great, but first make sure you do this!

👉 Take inventory of the wins that you have already accomplished and sit into the gratitude of coming as far as you have. 🙏

👉 Do this for all aspects of life. Relationships, physical health, mental health, personal growth, career, finances, life experiences and anything else that felt like a WIN for you. No matter how small the win may seem.

Give yourself 30 minutes to jot down any wins that come to mind.

We do this to honor the hard work we have already put in and to empower ourselves to carry this momentum into the coming year.

Once you know how far you’ve come I recommend listening to this guided meditation:

Through this immersive visualization experience you will gain clarity on the most important metric for living a happy life, which is HOW YOU FEEL.

Many of us blindly go after achievements hoping that the better job, the more money or the more stuff we get will result in the feelings we want.

Mark my words. This is a LOSING GAME.

If you are comparing yourself to other people and thinking that if you get that instagram worthy life you will be happy, you will most likely be disappointed.

You will be disappointed for two main reasons.

  1. When we set goals from inferior subconscious programming (the not enough energy) we will strive to achieve something that is disconnected from our true self. Meaning our goals will not be aligned with who we truly are and so even if we achieve them they will not be satisfied with the feelings the achievements produce.

  2. Most people who set these types of goals aim for super high targets like going from $2k/month income to becoming a millionaire in one year. This type of goal setting does not honor the incremental nature of how achievement happens and you will very likely not achieve your goals, which will lead to you giving up early and being let down.

Speaking from personal experience, here is what I recommend you do instead.

👉 Get clear on the feelings you want to experience. Love, freedom, connection, abundance, clarity, fulfillment, security, vitality and so on. Then ask yourself what physical outcomes would I actually need to create those feelings.

👉Very likely you could feel a sense of financial security, freedom and abundance making much less money than you would imagine. Very likely you could create more love and connection by simply reinvesting into and being more intentional about your relationships. Very likely you could get more fulfillment from work by firing yourself from some of your less desirable tasks and adding tasks that better align with your unique gifts.

What I am getting at is that the feelings are what you are after and that should be your main goal this year. To keep yourself feeling the way you want to feel all year long by making small and incremental progress towards those feelings.

The most interesting part of orienting yourself towards your desired feelings is that they are not happening in a vacuum. Every feeling you have is emitting a corresponding frequency or vibration. This frequency can be found on the map of consciousness below.

The specific frequency you are emitting in the present moment is a microcosm of what you can expect to experience more of in the future. That is why it’s so important to orient your life in a way that keeps you in a peak emotional state. Doing so will bring about corresponding frequencies aligned with that experienced state. You can think of yourself as a radio antenna connecting to a shared field. When you tune yourself to a specific emotion you emit a frequency that will put you in alignment with everything else at that frequency. For better or for worse.

Before I fully understood this law of the universe I would try to force things with pure will and effort. I would try to grasp for what I wanted and when my expectations did not come to fruition it would bring me into a lower vibration or frequency, which in turn brought me more of what I didn’t want.

This is a wicked cycle and if you’re anything like me you have lived this in some form or another. The only way to break this vicious cycle is by creating a new one aligned with the frequency that you do want to experience.

That circles us back to why I no longer set goals and don’t advise my clients to do it either. Instead, get clear on the emotions you want to experience and then take inspired action that aligns with the emotion you want to experience more of.

👉 That looks like doing work that feels like flow. Even if it’s challenging.

👉 That looks like spending time with people who inspire and love you.

👉 That looks like investing into your health in a way that creates physical equilibrium.

👉 That looks like meditating and spending time in nature to connect to the source of all the energy in the universe.

That looks like inspired action instead of obligation.

Aligning your frequency is the path to peace and prosperity. It sounds like woo woo nonsense and I hear you. It’s taken me over 14 years of hearing this over and over until I finally gave into it. The only reason I live through my frequency is because it became undeniable. The more I quieted my mind and listened to my feelings (or intuition) the more clear the guidance is. Do where you feel pulled. Don’t push.

👉 What you seek, is seeking you, when you are high frequency. 👈

I’ve got some more to flesh out in regards to my explanation of this, but I hope it resonated with some of you. If it did feel free to let me know.

Happy New Year!
