Charge Your Biological Battery ๐Ÿ”‹

The Owned Newsletter #55

Whatup fam,

ENERGY is the source of all life.

We are energy.

Energy is us.

But all energy is not created equal.

And all of us do not have the same amount of energy at our disposal.

Today I am going to introduce the concept of the biological battery, which I got from my Sensei (shout out Sensei Clay) and share some ways to maximize your battery quality and capacity.

Letโ€™s begin!

Question of the week ๐Ÿค”

Whatโ€™s is worth receiving your energy?

Before we start trying to maximize our biological battery letโ€™s come up with a list of things that are and are not worth receiving your energy.

The truth is that no matter how optimized you become you will always have a finite amount of energy.

With this finite amount of energy you must choose where to deploy it.

First, think about where you are wasting energy right now..

Are you consuming media that ruffles your feathers and gets your heart pumping? Are you spending time in environments that drain you? Are you doing things you hate to do out of pride or unwillingness to ask for help or create a better system?

How can you save some of the energy you have right now?

๐Ÿ‘‰ The first step of maximizing your energy is making a list of all the things you are wasting energy on right now, because there is no reason to add a bigger engine to a leaky boat.

After you do that you can shift your attention to your top priorities that you want to pour your energy into.

Maybe itโ€™s your loving family? Friends? Your career? Achieving a specific goal? Learning a new skill? Spending more time on a particular hobby? Your physical fitness? Philanthropy?

๐Ÿ‘‰ The key to maximizing your biological battery is to make it extremely compelling for your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious needs to understand that if I do โ€œx, y and zโ€ I will have gained the capacity to achieve โ€œx, y and zโ€ result or outcome.

๐Ÿ“ Make a list of what you would do with your increased energy capacity.

Meditation to See INTO the Matrix ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™‚๏ธ

This guided meditation is designed to help you uncover how you create your reality, so you can become a conscious creator of your lived experience. This meditation will walk you through the process of how you create your feelings and how your feelings lead to your behavior and in turn your lived experience. Take the red pill and enjoy!

Listen on YouTube

*Check the new releases section in the app

Charging Your Biological Battery ๐Ÿ”‹

Now that you know what is draining your battery and what you want to use your energy for the time has come to charge yourself up!

The foundation (which should come as no surprise) is your sleep.

๐Ÿ’ค Deep restful sleep that leaves you satiated upon awakening.

If you are looking for hacks before handling the basics then back track.

After your sleep is dialed in you will want to focus on your food.

๐Ÿฅ‘ What you eat is who you become.

Remove as much processed food as possible along with all vegetable oils and really anything that doesnโ€™t come from a whole food source.

In addition, since we are made of 60-70% water you will want to be drinking at minimum 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces of water daily.

Once you have your food dialed in itโ€™s time to target your subconscious programs that can either maximize your energy or drain you of energy.

๐Ÿง  Throughout your day feel into your emotional state.

When you are feeling bad you know there is likely a program at play that is draining your energy source.

Feel into the location of the bad feeling in your body and ask yourself โ€œwhat am I believing to be true that is making me feel this way?โ€

Once the faulty programming has been uncovered flip it so you are now identifying with the opposite belief.

Doing so will transmute that energy to work for you instead of against you.

This is an ongoing auditing process that will help you to continually harness more and more of your energy. More on this in the owned training

๐Ÿ‘‰ Fundamentally you want to always be aware of your feelings, because when you are feeling bad you are draining your biological battery and when you are feeling good you are charging it.

Think about it. When you are doing something you love you can get lost in the process for hours without thinking about it. When you are doing something you hate it can feel draining after only a few minutes.

Aligning yourself with the right activities is one of the best ways to charge up and maximize your biological battery.

After you master those fundamentals we can talk about more advanced techniques. Iโ€™ll be sharing those with my students who complete the owned training.

Are you going to do what it takes to maximize your biological battery?

Reply and let me know!

Lots of love,



P.S. A great way to start maximizing your biological battery is by joining our free 7 day mental reset yet. Check it out for details.