Career Goals + Seasons of Life

Owned Newsletter #15 *First send on Nov 15, 2021

Hello fellow earthling,

Let’s own our lives.

Step 1: FOCUS πŸ‘οΈ

Get clarity on your priorities.

Which of these do you need to level up most right now?

πŸ’ͺ Physical health

😌 Peace of mind

πŸ’• Relationships

πŸ’° Finances or career.

Choose one and align your choices with that focus.

Question of the week πŸ€”

β€œWhat season of life are you in right now?” πŸ‚

Life has a cyclical nature to it.

We plant our seeds, we water them, we harvest them and we repeat.

The key to understanding what season you are in is understanding where you are choosing to focus your energy and what stage of the cycle you are currently in.

I’ll give you a personal example.. 

With my business the Jump Rope Dudes we spent the spring/summer of 2021 planting our seeds (hiring new team members and making plans for new products), summer/fall we have spent watering our seeds (building the infrastructure and products out) and this winter we will be harvesting the fruits of our labor by launching some new company initiatives (JRDTV and a new company store.)

I wouldn’t say there are necessarily four distinct seasons, but there is a lot of value in framing the period of your life you are in and using it to guide your actions.

Think about pro athletes; they have to do the same thing.

In their off-season they are planting their seeds (improving the technical part of their game), during the season they are watering their seeds (applying their new skills and gaining experience) and then in the playoffs they hopefully get to bear the fruit of their labor (they give their best performances on the biggest stage.)

You can identify the season of life you are in right now by focusing on what stage of the process you are in and then aligning your actions.

What season are you in? LMK. 

Harvesting Your Best Performance

Speaking of planting and harvesting there is a reason this metaphor is top of mind for me. 

I recently started my garden at my house and am learning all about the different plants you can grow at different times of the year and what each of those plants needs compared to the others to thrive.

It’s a great reminder that one size does not fit all, but if we take the time to give ourselves what we personally need to thrive and we stay consistent, then we can ultimately fulfill our peak potential.

What do you personally need in your weekly routine to be your best?

Here are a few of my own greatest needs..

πŸ‘‰ Meditation (I have been doing this in the cold plunge and sauna)

πŸ‘‰ Movement (I have been getting this from my jump rope and weight lifting)

πŸ‘‰ Nutrients (70% Whole Foods - I get my meat here)

πŸ‘‰ Sleep (I need at least 8 hrs to be my best)

πŸ‘‰ Social time (spent with friends and fam)

πŸ‘‰ Deep work (alone time spent focusing on my businesses)

πŸ‘‰ Nature (in a park or in my yard I need to be out in the sun and fresh air)

The more you know yourself the more you can give yourself what you need!

Harvesting Your Food πŸŒ½

Let’s keep this theme going, shall we?

I’ve been blown away by the quantity and variety of food that you can grow year round here in South Florida. πŸ₯¦πŸŠπŸŒπŸπŸ…πŸ₯‘

I just planted my banana trees, plantain tree, arrowroot plant and pineapples to get started. Next week I’ll be diving into vegetables in my garden (this is prime time for any vegetable you can imagine.)

Growing my own food has been a dream of mine for a long-time, so it’s super gratifying to finally have my own land to do so on.

Between hunting and growing my own fruits/vegetables I hope to be sourcing a lot of my meat and produce in 2022. 

I share this with you, because I talk a lot about food quality in this newsletter and one of the best ways to ensure the quality of your own food is by hunting for it and growing it yourself.

The next best option is local farmer's markets and ethically sourced meat.

3 Ways to Make More Money πŸ’Έ

Here are 3 ways that business owners or freelancers can start making more money starting today. πŸ“ˆ

πŸ‘‰ You can get more customers/clients

πŸ‘‰ You can raise the price of your service/product

πŸ‘‰ You can offer more services/products

Often times we overcomplicate things for ourselves by forgetting that these really are the 3 main ways we can increase our income.

Choose one and then put a strategy together to make it happen.

Personally in my business I have been focusing the most on #3.

Tribe πŸ€

When I was living in LA I had an incredible tribe at my boxing gym. πŸ₯Š

That tribe (community) was so strong that I often told my wife that if it wasn’t for this boxing gym I would have moved out of LA years earlier.

After moving to Florida I knew I had to find another community where I could go and get my in person connection. Fortunately, I was able to find that place rather quickly at this gym called House of Athlete.

It is true that I have a massive community on the internet via Jump Rope Dudes, but what I have found is that nothing can replace the nourishment that I get from being in person with other people.

We humans are social creatures and we have deep unconscious desires to spend time together in person building community.

If you have been feeling lonely recently here are some ideas for building an in person community..

1. Join an in person movement based community

This can be a rock climbing gym, martial arts gym, CrossFit gym, yoga studio, cycling team or whatever floats your boat.

2. Join a hobby based group

You can go to or find a Facebook group in your city that brings people together who are interested in the same types of activities.

3. Join an in person mens/womens group

There are tons of these support groups all around the world. Start seeking them out with intention and you will find one.

As we go more and more digital, it becomes more and more important to satisfy our most primal needs for community by getting in person with other humans. You can do it! Take the leap.

Career Goals

One thing you have often heard me talk about in this newsletter is that you can have it all, but you can’t have it all at once. πŸ’―

This applies directly to your career and your long-term goals.

It’s a beautiful thing to have clarity about where you want to take your career, but it can be equally defeating to realize that you have a long way to go to achieve those goals.

That’s why I am such a big proponent of chunking things down.

Maintain your vision for your long-term goal.

But simultaneously, chunk that goal into smaller parts and start to work towards those parts one at a time.

Get clear on what is in front of you right now.

What needs to be completed right now for you to set yourself up to achieve your bigger goals in the future?

Only you know the answer to that. πŸ€—

Own your focus. Own your choices. Own your life.

Talk to you next week,



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