Break Your Habit of Negative Thinking 🧠

30 day mental accelerator

Whatup fam!

Writing an extra post this week to invite you to something special.

My team and I have put together a 30 Day Mental Accelerator to help you break your habit of negative thinking.

Now I know you don’t think negatively all the time, but even having some negative thoughts can slow down your progress and make it harder to achieve your goals.

Here is why..

The quality of your life comes down to the quality of your focus. 👈

You’ve probably heard me say by now that what you focus on is what you get.

Well, this can actually be quantified.

You see, the more you focus on what you want the faster you get results.

The more you focus on what you don’t want (aka negative thinking) the slower you get results.

👉 This is a byproduct of the subconscious mind simply feeding you more of what you are already focusing on.

So when you are focused on what you want your subconscious is going to present you with the thoughts that will help you get more of what you want.

On the other hand, as long as you are caught in the habit of negative thinking your subconscious will continue to feed you excuses why you can’t have what you want.

This is a cycle that so many of us are caught in and scientists have proved it.

According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts.

Imagine what would be possible if the 80% of your negative thoughts were working for you instead of against you?

The answer - you would feel much better and achieve your goals much faster.

Don’t just take my word for it though let’s try this out together for 30 days .

We have less than 100 days left in the year.

Finish strong with me as your guide and the owned community as your support system.

Lots of love,


P.S. I made this extremely affordable no matter what region of the world you are in, so no excuses. Let’s own our focus, so we can own our lives!