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- Awakening is a Path; Not a Destination
Awakening is a Path; Not a Destination
Owned Newsletter #61
Whatup fam,
I want to talk about what I perceive to be the juiciest topic in the human experience. Awakening.
Awakening to what you might ask?
Awakening to your full potential.

Although I am not a religious man I do consider myself to be a deeply spiritual man connected to the all encompassing source.
God, Universe, Energy (whatever you want to call it) I believe that we can all agree there is something greater than us to surrender to.
Surrender can be a triggering word for some, so let me clarify.
When I talk about surrender I am talking about our ability to let go of all that is not in our control.
AKA what other people do, what they say and the events that fall outside of what can be directly influenced by our own thoughts and actions.
When we do this it opens us up to the path of awakening.
Awakening is a path that requires ownership over the two things in our control.
The way I see it is that there is a governing energy that pulses through each of us in every moment of our waking lives.
In each of these moments we have the ability to channel that energy into a unique expression that can become physical in our lived experience.
So how does it work!

It all starts with understanding how we can direct the energy that pulses through us.
First, we have the ability to activate our YIN energy.
This energy is associated with the feminine and can be utilized to help us receive whatever it is we want to call into our reality.
The way we activate this energy is through our focus.
Wherever we focus on a moment by moment basis is what we are calling in to receive.
When we focus on what we want we are sending out the signals to receive more of what we want.
When we focus on what what we don’t want we are sending out signals to receive more of what we don’t want.
It’s not that God or the Universe likes you or doesn’t like you.
It’s very matter of fact.
You will receive what you focus on.
That’s not the end of the story though.
The second part of directing our energy comes down to the choices we make.
This is how we activate our YANG energy associated with the masculine.
One thing we need to grasp when entertaining these energies is that one is not better than the other and one is not for men or for women.
Both energies YIN and YANG work in tandem for you if you are awakened to the power in which you possess.
So, when you are directing your focus you are calling in that in which you want to receive, but just because you are calling it in doesn’t mean you will get it.
You must give your energy through the choices you make.
That is why both energies are necessary for you to fully own this path.
You must be consistently focusing on what you want (consciously and unconsciously) and making choices to do the things necessary to create what it is you want.
In the western world we have over indexed on the choices (the masculine urge to do and make.)
A quick google search will give you a million ways to create better habits, so you can be more productive and do more.
On the other hand we don’t hear as much about our focus outside of the micro expressions of our focus like focusing for a test or at work for short stints of time.
The über spiritual community will talk to you about manifestation through your focus, but they often times over index on the feminine and make it all about receiving without putting in the work.
This to me is just a manifestation of the times we live in.
We are very polarized as a species right now and need to find the balance between these two energies of YIN (receiving through focus) and YANG (giving through choices.)
Although, I am presenting this awakening path as something that is highly actionable for the achievers out there it is innately spiritual when you start to pursue the path.
The reason being is that to fully receive you will have to do the deeper underlying work on your unconscious to clear out blockages that prevent you from receiving.
At the same time you will only be able to give to your full capacity when you have also done the deeper underlying work on your unconscious to clear out those blockages as well.
And guess what? The work (or play as I call it) never ends!
👉 Awakening is a path and not a destination, because as you progress on your journey as a spiritual warrior you will continue to come into unconscious barriers that prevent you from taking your next step.
Those unconscious barriers are actually your greatest gifts.
Let me explain..
Whenever you are feeling self-doubt it’s an opportunity to reclaim that energy and transmute it into confidence.
Whenever you are feeling anxiety it’s an opportunity to reclaim that energy and transmute it into gratitude.
Whenever you are feeling not enough it’s an opportunity to reclaim that energy and transmute it into wholeness.
The journey never ends, but the fortunate part is that the more you reclaim and transmute this energy the better your inner and external experience gets.
At its essence the awakening path is a path where you are alchemizing the energy that is creating resistance and turning it into the energy that will propel you forward.
By doing so you become a master of your focus (your ability to receive) and your choices (your ability to give.)
One micro action to help you work on owning your focus is by feeding it with what you want. That’s why I create meditations like the one I will link below.
And for those of you who want to take this path a bit more serious I have something for you as well.
Check out my 30 day mental accelerator designed to finally break your habit of negative thinking, so you can own both your focus and choices
🔥 Are you ready or already awakening to your full potential?
Let me know in the comments below or by replying to this email.
Lots of love,