1 Year of Owning Our Lives

The Owned Newsletter #52

Whatup fam,

Today we celebrate one year of the owned newsletter !!

I used to be the kind of person who struggled with shiny object syndrome (hopping from one new thing to the next) so I am very proud to have written this newsletter every week for an entire year.

If I have learned anything in my entrepreneurial career it’s that success loves consistency, so here’s to another year. 🙌

If this has been impactful for you please forward it along to a friend you believe could benefit from the knowledge and wisdom I share.

👉 Now onto our regularly scheduled programming..

Last week I shared one of my favorite quotes by Bruce Lee about the importance of focusing on BEING over BECOMING.

Today I want to expand on this and give you even more precise instructions on how you can be doing this in your own life to fast track your success.

Let’s begin.

Question of the week 🤔

“What does your future self need you to start doing today?”

We become our best selves by being our best selves.

That means that if you are stepping into an identity that aligns with something that is not in your physical reality right now then you are going to need to intentionally step into your future self.

👉 Step 1 is closing your eyes and feeling the feelings of what it would be like to have already successfully achieved a given goal of yours.

Fully embody this feeling energetically and ask yourself what did I do to get myself here?

Here are some examples..

Imagined yourself with 10 lbs less of body fat.

How does it feel to be you when this outcome is your default reality?

Then ask yourself what your default habits are that allows you to consistently sustain this body composition.

P.S. If this is you, don’t overcomplicate it. That future version of yourself only needs to do 2 things (eat in a slight calorie deficit and exercise regularly.)

The same goes if you want to BE $10,000 richer. 🤑 To do so you will have to embody a new energetic feeling and then take the action required to start to increase your income.

What we are really talking about here is stepping into a new identity.

No easy task, but exactly what’s required if you want to get unstuck.

Once you have decided what your future self needs your current self to do we can dive further into the energetic shift you need to make.

Keep reading to understand the deeper energetic shift needed to BE that person.

Meditation to Cure Loneliness 🧘‍♂️

This guided meditation designed to relieve the feeling of loneliness. You are whole and connected to everything and everyone in the known universe. This meditation will remind you of your truth.

Listen on YouTube

*Check the new releases section in the app

Wholeness in The Present 👁️

Ultimately, what we are all striving towards is an energetic feeling of wholeness. A state of having all we need within us right now.

Feeling whole now will align our energy with the physical matter it is we desire.

Unfortunately, this energetic feeling is not something that is biologically innate to the modern day human.

We have evolved to constantly be feeling a sense of lack. This was programmed into us so we would have the motivation to go hunt, forage and do the things necessary for survival.

Well, in the present day most of us have food in our fridge.

And despite that we still feel this sense of lack.

So how do we get to wholeness?

We realize that there is no where for us to go in order to get to your goals.

👉 We are not going towards our goals.

We are actually bringing our goals towards us. 👈

We want to BE still and shift into energetic alignment with them.

Okay pause.

What I just said is very hard for the rational mind to grasp and it’s even hard for me to fully embody at all times. I oscillate between getting this and forgetting this, so don’t judge yourself if your brain feels turned inside out.

Just know that what we are ultimately talking about is a process of embracing power present within us instead of trying to force things from outside of us.

The reason this is hard for the rational mind to grasp is because we have been programmed to believe that the answers we seek are outside of ourselves.

The truth is that reality is something we create from within ourselves.

Starting with our subconscious programming and of course physically manifesting with the help of our aligned choices that flow from that programming.

Although your choices are a part of the process they are secondary and a manifestation of your programming. Your programming gets you into energetic alignment so the choices you need to make are in the flow of your life instead of being forced.

Here is a metaphor..

We don’t need to be gritting our teeth and pushing as hard as possible to use the restroom. It should be something that happens naturally as a manifestation of a relaxed emotional and physical state. Yes, you are making the choice to use the restroom, but it would almost be more uncomfortable if you didn’t use it.

The choice is a happening.

The more you can align yourself with the feelings you desire as if they are already your present reality in the present; the more what you desire will flow to you with ease and grace.

So this is your reminder that you don’t need anything outside of yourself.

Rather, you need to continue to build the muscle of feeling wholeness within you right now.

If you are looking for personal guidance in this process I have my owned training ready when you are.

Either way I would listen to an audio like this

every morning for at least 3-5 min to prime yourself to feel this wholeness before you start your day.

It’s like a muscle. The more you do it the stronger it gets.

Thank you for reading and let’s keep walking this path together.

Day by day doing our best to own our focus and choices.

You got this.

Lots of love,



P.S. Dr. Joe Dispenza is a peer of mind who teaches this stuff through a very scientific lens. Listen to this conversation where he articulates the concepts discussed in this newsletter extremely well.